Moments in the Production of Space: Developing a Generic Adolescent Girls and Young Women Health Information Systems in Zimbabwe

by   Rangarirai Matavire, et al.

With global targets to end AIDS by 2030 and to eliminate new HIV infections, Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) are seen to be particularly vulnerable, especially in Sub Saharan Africa. Numerous nations have therefore rolled out interventions to provide services to remove the determinants of vulnerability, such as limited education, early marriage, poverty, domestic violence, and exposure by male partners. Within this context, subpopulations such as sex workers increase the vulnerability amongst AGYW and are also supported through prevention programming. This study follows a project to develop a generic health information systems solution to provide a means to monitor and evaluate the successes of the AGYW initiative in reducing new infections. It borrows theoretical ideas from Henri Lefebvre's theory of moments to describe the process in which the space for the development of the solution is produced.


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