Movie Box office Prediction via Joint Actor Representations and Social Media Sentiment

by   Dezhou Shen, et al.

In recent years, driven by the Asian film industry, such as China and India, the global box office has maintained a steady growth trend. Previous studies have rarely used long-term, full-sample film data in analysis, lack of research on actors' social networks. Existing film box office prediction algorithms only use film meta-data, lack of using social network characteristics and the model is less interpretable. I propose a FC-GRU-CNN binary classification model in of box office prediction task, combining five characteristics, including the film meta-data, Sina Weibo text sentiment, actors' social network measurement, all pairs shortest path and actors' art contribution. Exploiting long-term memory ability of GRU layer in long sequences and the mapping ability of CNN layer in retrieving all pairs shortest path matrix features, proposed model is 14 higher in accuracy than the current best C-LSTM model.


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