MQTT+: Enhanced Syntax and Broker Functionalities for Data Filtering, Processing and Aggregation

by   Riccardo Giambona, et al.

In the last few years, the Message Queueing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) publish/subscribe protocol emerged as the de facto standard communication protocol for IoT, M2M and wireless sensor networks applications. Such popularity is mainly due to the extreme simplicity of the protocol at the client side, appropriate for low-cost and resource-constrained edge devices. Other nice features include a very low protocol overhead, ideal for limited bandwidth scenarios, the support of different Quality of Services (QoS) and many others. However, when an edge device is interested in performing processing operations over the data published by multiple clients, the use of MQTT may result in high network bandwidth usage and high energy consumption for the end devices, which is unacceptable in resource constrained scenarios. To overcome these issues, we propose in this paper MQTT+, which provides an enhanced protocol syntax and enrich the pub/sub broker with data filtering, processing and aggregation functionalities. MQTT+ is implemented starting from an open source MQTT broker and evaluated in different application scenarios.


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