Multi-Attention Multi-Class Constraint for Fine-grained Image Recognition

by   Ming Sun, et al.

Attention-based learning for fine-grained image recognition remains a challenging task, where most of the existing methods treat each object part in isolation, while neglecting the correlations among them. In addition, the multi-stage or multi-scale mechanisms involved make the existing methods less efficient and hard to be trained end-to-end. In this paper, we propose a novel attention-based convolutional neural network (CNN) which regulates multiple object parts among different input images. Our method first learns multiple attention region features of each input image through the one-squeeze multi-excitation (OSME) module, and then apply the multi-attention multi-class constraint (MAMC) in a metric learning framework. For each anchor feature, the MAMC functions by pulling same-attention same-class features closer, while pushing different-attention or different-class features away. Our method can be easily trained end-to-end, and is highly efficient which requires only one training stage. Moreover, we introduce Dogs-in-the-Wild, a comprehensive dog species dataset that surpasses similar existing datasets by category coverage, data volume and annotation quality. This dataset will be released upon acceptance to facilitate the research of fine-grained image recognition. Extensive experiments are conducted to show the substantial improvements of our method on four benchmark datasets.


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