Near-Optimal Joint Object Matching via Convex Relaxation

by   Yuxin Chen, et al.

Joint matching over a collection of objects aims at aggregating information from a large collection of similar instances (e.g. images, graphs, shapes) to improve maps between pairs of them. Given multiple matches computed between a few object pairs in isolation, the goal is to recover an entire collection of maps that are (1) globally consistent, and (2) close to the provided maps --- and under certain conditions provably the ground-truth maps. Despite recent advances on this problem, the best-known recovery guarantees are limited to a small constant barrier --- none of the existing methods find theoretical support when more than 50% of input correspondences are corrupted. Moreover, prior approaches focus mostly on fully similar objects, while it is practically more demanding to match instances that are only partially similar to each other. In this paper, we develop an algorithm to jointly match multiple objects that exhibit only partial similarities, given a few pairwise matches that are densely corrupted. Specifically, we propose to recover the ground-truth maps via a parameter-free convex program called MatchLift, following a spectral method that pre-estimates the total number of distinct elements to be matched. Encouragingly, MatchLift exhibits near-optimal error-correction ability, i.e. in the asymptotic regime it is guaranteed to work even when a dominant fraction 1-Θ(^2n/√(n)) of the input maps behave like random outliers. Furthermore, MatchLift succeeds with minimal input complexity, namely, perfect matching can be achieved as soon as the provided maps form a connected map graph. We evaluate the proposed algorithm on various benchmark data sets including synthetic examples and real-world examples, all of which confirm the practical applicability of MatchLift.


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