New Construction of Optimal Type-II Binary Z-Complementary Pairs

by   Zhi Gu, et al.

A pair of sequences is called a Z-complementary pair (ZCP) if it has zero aperiodic autocorrelation sums at each of the non-zero time-shifts within a certain region, called the zero correlation zone (ZCZ). ZCPs are categorised into two types: Type-I ZCPs and Type-II ZCPs. Type-I ZCPs have the ZCZ around the in-phase position and Type-II ZCPs have the ZCZ around the end-shift position. Till now only a few constructions of Type-II ZCPs are reported in the literature, and all have lengths of the form 2^m±1 or N+1 where N=2^a 10^b 26^c and a, b, c are non-negative integers. In this paper, we propose a recursive construction of ZCPs based on concatenation of sequences. Inspired by Turyn's construction of Golay complementary pairs, we also propose a construction of Type-II ZCPs from known ones. The proposed constructions can generate optimal Type-II ZCPs with new flexible parameters and Z-optimal Type-II ZCPs with any odd length. In addition, we give upper bounds for the PMEPR of the proposed ZCPs. It turns out that our constructions lead to ZCPs with low PMEPR.


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