New Era of Deeplearning-Based Malware Intrusion Detection: The Malware Detection and Prediction Based On Deep Learning

by   Shuqiang Lu, et al.

With the development of artificial intelligence algorithms like deep learning models and the successful applications in many different fields, further similar trails of deep learning technology have been made in cyber security area. It shows the preferable performance not only in academic security research but also in industry practices when dealing with part of cyber security issues by deep learning methods compared to those conventional rules. Especially for the malware detection and classification tasks, it saves generous time cost and promotes the accuracy for a total pipeline of malware detection system. In this paper, we construct special deep neural network, ie, MalDeepNet (TB-Malnet and IB-Malnet) for malware dynamic behavior classification tasks. Then we build the family clustering algorithm based on deep learning and fulfil related testing. Except that, we also design a novel malware prediction model which could detect the malware coming in future through the Mal Generative Adversarial Network (Mal-GAN) implementation. All those algorithms present fairly considerable value in related datasets afterwards.


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