New Perspectives on Multi-Prover Interactive Proofs

by   Claude Crépeau, et al.

The existing multi-prover interactive proof framework suffers from incompleteness in terms of soundness and zero-knowledge that is not completely addressed in the literature. The problem is that the existing definitions of what is local, entangled and no-signalling are not rich enough to capture the full generality of multi-prover interaction. In general, existing proofs do not take into account possible changes in locality either during a protocol's execution or when protocols are composed together. This is especially problematic for zero-knowledge, as composing commitments is the only known way of achieving zero-knowledge outside of some NP-intermediate languages. In this work, we introduce the locality hierarchy for multiparty (multi-round) interaction, and for the first time a complete definition of multi-round multiparty no-signalling distributions and strategies. Within this framework, we define the locality of a protocol which involves the provers, verifiers, simulators and distinguishers. We show that an existing protocol for NEXP [BFL90] and a zero-knowledge variant we introduce are sound in a local sense, but are zero-knowledge in a sense that is even stronger than usually understood. All prior claims of zero-knowledge proofs in the multi-prover model were actually incorrect. Finally, we present similar constructions for entangled and no-signalling prover sets for NEXP and EXP based on [IV12] and [KRR14] using new multi-prover commitment schemes.


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