Noncommutative extensions of parameters in the asymptotic spectrum of graphs

by   Péter Vrana, et al.

The zero-error capacity of a classical channel is a parameter of its confusability graph, and is equal to the minimum of the values of graph parameters that are additive under the disjoint union, multiplicative under the strong product, monotone under homomorphisms between the complements, and normalized. We show that any such function either has uncountably many extensions to noncommutative graphs with similar properties, or no such extensions at all. More precisely, we find that every extension has an exponent that characterizes its values on the confusability graphs of identity quantum channels, and the set of admissible exponents is either an unbounded subinterval of [1,∞) or empty. In particular, the set of admissible exponents for the Lovász number, the projective rank, and the fractional Haemers bound over the complex numbers are maximal, while the fractional clique cover number does not have any extensions.


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