Numerical analysis of several FFT-based schemes for computational homogenization

by   Changqing Ye, et al.

We study the convergences of several FFT-based schemes that are widely applied in computational homogenization for deriving effective coefficients, and the term "convergence" here means the limiting behaviors as spatial resolutions going to infinity. Those schemes include Moulinec-Suquent's scheme [Comput Method Appl M, 157 (1998), pp. 69-94], Willot's scheme [Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 343 (2015), pp. 232-245], and the FEM scheme [Int J Numer Meth Eng, 109 (2017), pp. 1461-1489]. Under some reasonable assumptions, we prove that the effective coefficients obtained by those schemes are all convergent to the theoretical ones. Moreover, for the FEM scheme, we can present several convergence rate estimates under additional regularity assumptions.


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