On Robust Recovery of Signals from Indirect Observations
Our focus is on robust recovery algorithms in statistical linear inverse problem. We consider two recovery routines - the much studied linear estimate originating from Kuks and Olman [42] and polyhedral estimate introduced in [37]. It was shown in [38] that risk of these estimates can be tightly upper-bounded for a wide range of a priori information about the model through solving a convex optimization problem, leading to a computationally efficient implementation of nearly optimal estimates of these types. The subject of the present paper is design and analysis of linear and polyhedral estimates which are robust with respect to the uncertainty in the observation matrix. We evaluate performance of robust estimates under stochastic and deterministic matrix uncertainty and show how the estimation risk can be bounded by the optimal value of efficiently solvable convex optimization problem; "presumably good" estimates of both types are then obtained through optimization of the risk bounds with respect to estimate parameters.