On the Achievability of Coded Multicasting Fronthaul Delivery in Fog-Aided Networks

Fog networks benefit from content caching at edge nodes (ENs) as well as fronthaul connectivity to the cloud. In previous works, both dedicated and multicast fronthaul links has been considered under different assumptions with Normalized Delivery Time (NDT) as a standard to measure the performance. While dedicated links has been studied extensively in different caching scenarios, multicast links has been developed under assumption of 2-by-2 fog network where cloud is connected to two ENs serving two users. The extension to arbitrary number of ENs and users only provides the lower bound on the achievable performance. In contrast, this letter proposes an achievable coded multicasting scheme for a general M-by-K fog network with M ENs and K users. The optimality of the proposed scheme is evaluated using both comparison with theoretical lower bound as well as using numerical analysis.


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