Online Hackathons as an Engaging Tool to Promote Group Work in Emergency Remote Learning

by   Kiev Gama, et al.

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, educational activities had to be done remotely as a way to avoid the spread of the disease. What happened was not exactly a shift to an online learning model but a transition to a new approach called Emergency Remote Teaching. It is a temporary strategy to keep activities going on until it is safe again to return to the physical facilities of universities. This new setting became a challenge to both teachers and students. The lack of interaction and classroom socialization became obstacles for students to continue engaged. Before the pandemic, hackathons – short-lived events (1 to 3 days) where participants intensively collaboration to develop software prototypes – were starting to be explored as an alternative venue to engage students in acquiring and practicing technical skills. In this paper, we present an experience report on the usage of an online hackathon as a resource to engage students in the development of their semester project in a distributed applications course during this emergency remote teaching period. We describe details of the intervention and present an analysis of the students' perspective of the approach. One of the important findings was the efficient usage of the Discord communication tool – already used by all students while playing games – which helped them socialize and keep them continuously engaged in synchronous group work, "virtually collocated".


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