Online Resource Allocation in Episodic Markov Decision Processes

by   Duksang Lee, et al.

This paper studies a long-term resource allocation problem over multiple periods where each period requires a multi-stage decision-making process. We formulate the problem as an online resource allocation problem in an episodic finite-horizon Markov decision process with unknown non-stationary transitions and stochastic non-stationary reward and resource consumption functions for each episode. We provide an equivalent online linear programming reformulation based on occupancy measures, for which we develop an online mirror descent algorithm. Our online dual mirror descent algorithm for resource allocation deals with uncertainties and errors in estimating the true feasible set, which is of independent interest. We prove that under stochastic reward and resource consumption functions, the expected regret of the online mirror descent algorithm is bounded by O(ρ^-1H^3/2S√(AT)) where ρ∈(0,1) is the budget parameter, H is the length of the horizon, S and A are the numbers of states and actions, and T is the number of episodes.


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