Optimal Transport Model Distributional Robustness

by   Van-Anh Nguyen, et al.

Distributional robustness is a promising framework for training deep learning models that are less vulnerable to adversarial examples and data distribution shifts. Previous works have mainly focused on exploiting distributional robustness in data space. In this work, we explore an optimal transport-based distributional robustness framework on model spaces. Specifically, we examine a model distribution in a Wasserstein ball of a given center model distribution that maximizes the loss. We have developed theories that allow us to learn the optimal robust center model distribution. Interestingly, through our developed theories, we can flexibly incorporate the concept of sharpness awareness into training a single model, ensemble models, and Bayesian Neural Networks by considering specific forms of the center model distribution, such as a Dirac delta distribution over a single model, a uniform distribution over several models, and a general Bayesian Neural Network. Furthermore, we demonstrate that sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) is a specific case of our framework when using a Dirac delta distribution over a single model, while our framework can be viewed as a probabilistic extension of SAM. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the usefulness of our framework in the aforementioned settings, and the results show remarkable improvements in our approaches to the baselines.


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