Optimizing the switching operation in monoclonal antibody production: Economic MPC and reinforcement learning

by   Sandra A. Obiri, et al.

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have emerged as indispensable assets in medicine, and are currently at the forefront of biopharmaceutical product development. However, the growing market demand and the substantial doses required for mAb clinical treatments necessitate significant progress in its large-scale production. Most of the processes for industrial mAb production rely on batch operations, which result in significant downtime. The shift towards a fully continuous and integrated manufacturing process holds the potential to boost product yield and quality, while eliminating the extra expenses associated with storing intermediate products. The integrated continuous mAb production process can be divided into the upstream and downstream processes. One crucial aspect that ensures the continuity of the integrated process is the switching of the capture columns, which are typically chromatography columns operated in a fed-batch manner downstream. Due to the discrete nature of the switching operation, advanced process control algorithms such as economic MPC (EMPC) are computationally difficult to implement. This is because an integer nonlinear program (INLP) needs to be solved online at each sampling time. This paper introduces two computationally-efficient approaches for EMPC implementation, namely, a sigmoid function approximation approach and a rectified linear unit (ReLU) approximation approach. It also explores the application of deep reinforcement learning (DRL). These three methods are compared to the traditional switching approach which is based on a 1 breakthrough rule and which involves no optimization.


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