Performance Analysis of Network Coding with IEEE 802.11 DCF in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

by   Somayeh Kafaie, et al.

Network coding is an effective idea to boost the capacity of wireless networks, and a variety of studies have explored its advantages in different scenarios. However, there is not much analytical study on throughput and end-to-end delay of network coding in multi-hop wireless networks considering the specifications of IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function. In this paper, we utilize queuing theory to propose an analytical framework for bidirectional unicast flows in multi-hop wireless mesh networks. We study the throughput and end-to-end delay of inter-flow network coding under the IEEE 802.11 standard with CSMA/CA random access and exponential back-off time considering clock freezing and virtual carrier sensing, and formulate several parameters such as the probability of successful transmission in terms of bit error rate and collision probability, waiting time of packets at nodes, and retransmission mechanism. Our model uses a multi-class queuing network with stable queues, where coded packets have a non-preemptive higher priority over native packets, and forwarding of native packets is not delayed if no coding opportunities are available. Finally, we use computer simulations to verify the accuracy of our analytical model.


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