Policy Compliance Detection via Expression Tree Inference

by   Neema Kotonya, et al.

Policy Compliance Detection (PCD) is a task we encounter when reasoning over texts, e.g. legal frameworks. Previous work to address PCD relies heavily on modeling the task as a special case of Recognizing Textual Entailment. Entailment is applicable to the problem of PCD, however viewing the policy as a single proposition, as opposed to multiple interlinked propositions, yields poor performance and lacks explainability. To address this challenge, more recent proposals for PCD have argued for decomposing policies into expression trees consisting of questions connected with logic operators. Question answering is used to obtain answers to these questions with respect to a scenario. Finally, the expression tree is evaluated in order to arrive at an overall solution. However, this work assumes expression trees are provided by experts, thus limiting its applicability to new policies. In this work, we learn how to infer expression trees automatically from policy texts. We ensure the validity of the inferred trees by introducing constrained decoding using a finite state automaton to ensure the generation of valid trees. We determine through automatic evaluation that 63 constrained generation model are logically equivalent to gold trees. Human evaluation shows that 88


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