Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms Standardization and Performance Analysis

by   Manish Kumar, et al.

Quantum computer is no longer a hypothetical idea. It is the worlds most important technology and there is a race among countries to get supremacy in quantum technology. Its the technology that will reduce the computing time from years to hours or even minutes. The power of quantum computing will be a great support for the scientific community. However, it raises serious threats to cybersecurity. Theoretically, all the cryptography algorithms are vulnerable to attack. The practical quantum computers, when available with millions of qubits capacity, will be able to break nearly all modern public-key cryptographic systems. Before the quantum computers arrive with sufficient qubit capacity, we must be ready with quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms, tools, techniques, and deployment strategies to protect the ICT infrastructure. This paper discusses in detail the global effort for the design, development, and standardization of various quantum-safe cryptography algorithms along with the performance analysis of some of the potential quantum-safe algorithms. Most of the quantum-safe algorithms need more CPU cycles, higher runtime memory, and large key size. The objective of the paper is to analyze the feasibility of the various quantum-safe cryptography algorithms.


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