Predicting Response-Function Results of Electrical/Mechanical Systems Through Artificial Neural Network

by   R. C. Gupta, et al.

In the present paper a newer application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been developed i.e., predicting response-function results of electrical-mechanical system through ANN. This method is specially useful to complex systems for which it is not possible to find the response-function because of complexity of the system. The proposed approach suggests that how even without knowing the response-function, the response-function results can be predicted with the use of ANN to the system. The steps used are: (i) Depending on the system, the ANN-architecture and the input & output parameters are decided, (ii) Training & test data are generated from simplified circuits and through tactic-superposition of it for complex circuits, (iii) Training the ANN with training data through many cycles and (iv) Test-data are used for predicting the response-function results. It is found that the proposed novel method for response prediction works satisfactorily. Thus this method could be used specially for complex systems where other methods are unable to tackle it. In this paper the application of ANN is particularly demonstrated to electrical-circuit system but can be applied to other systems too.


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