Predicting the Popularity of Reddit Posts with AI

by   Juno Kim, et al.

Social media creates crucial mass changes, as popular posts and opinions cast a significant influence on users' decisions and thought processes. For example, the recent Reddit uprising inspired by r/wallstreetbets which had remarkable economic impact was started with a series of posts on the thread. The prediction of posts that may have a notable impact will allow for the preparation of possible following trends. This study aims to develop a machine learning model capable of accurately predicting the popularity of a Reddit post. Specifically, the model is predicting the number of upvotes a post will receive based on its textual content. I experimented with three different models: a baseline linear regression model, a random forest regression model, and a neural network. I collected Reddit post data from an online data set and analyzed the model's performance when trained on a single subreddit and a collection of subreddits. The results showed that the neural network model performed the best when the loss of the models were compared. With the use of a machine learning model to predict social trends through the reaction users have to post, a better picture of the near future can be envisioned.


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