Probabilistic Multi-modal Trajectory Prediction with Lane Attention for Autonomous Vehicles

by   Chenxu Luo, et al.

Trajectory prediction is crucial for autonomous vehicles. The planning system not only needs to know the current state of the surrounding objects but also their possible states in the future. As for vehicles, their trajectories are significantly influenced by the lane geometry and how to effectively use the lane information is of active interest. Most of the existing works use rasterized maps to explore road information, which does not distinguish different lanes. In this paper, we propose a novel instance-aware representation for lane representation. By integrating the lane features and trajectory features, a goal-oriented lane attention module is proposed to predict the future locations of the vehicle. We show that the proposed lane representation together with the lane attention module can be integrated into the widely used encoder-decoder framework to generate diverse predictions. Most importantly, each generated trajectory is associated with a probability to handle the uncertainty. Our method does not suffer from collapsing to one behavior modal and can cover diverse possibilities. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on the benchmark datasets corroborate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Notably, our proposed method ranks third place in the Argoverse motion forecasting competition at NeurIPS 2019.


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