Probability Based Independence Sampler for Bayesian Quantitative Learning in Graphical Log-Linear Marginal Models

by   Ioannis Ntzoufras, et al.

Bayesian methods for graphical log-linear marginal models have not been developed in the same extent as traditional frequentist approaches. In this work, we introduce a novel Bayesian approach for quantitative learning for such models. These models belong to curved exponential families that are difficult to handle from a Bayesian perspective. Furthermore, the likelihood cannot be analytically expressed as a function of the marginal log-linear interactions, but only in terms of cell counts or probabilities. Posterior distributions cannot be directly obtained, and MCMC methods are needed. Finally, a well-defined model requires parameter values that lead to compatible marginal probabilities. Hence, any MCMC should account for this important restriction. We construct a fully automatic and efficient MCMC strategy for quantitative learning for graphical log-linear marginal models that handles these problems. While the prior is expressed in terms of the marginal log-linear interactions, we build an MCMC algorithm that employs a proposal on the probability parameter space. The corresponding proposal on the marginal log-linear interactions is obtained via parameter transformation. By this strategy, we achieve to move within the desired target space. At each step, we directly work with well-defined probability distributions. Moreover, we can exploit a conditional conjugate setup to build an efficient proposal on probability parameters. The proposed methodology is illustrated by a simulation study and a real dataset.


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