Prosody-controllable spontaneous TTS with neural HMMs
Spontaneous speech has many affective and pragmatic functions that are interesting and challenging to model in TTS (text-to-speech). However, the presence of reduced articulation, fillers, repetitions, and other disfluencies mean that text and acoustics are less well aligned than in read speech. This is problematic for attention-based TTS. We propose a TTS architecture that is particularly suited for rapidly learning to speak from irregular and small datasets while also reproducing the diversity of expressive phenomena present in spontaneous speech. Specifically, we modify an existing neural HMM-based TTS system, which is capable of stable, monotonic alignments for spontaneous speech, and add utterance-level prosody control, so that the system can represent the wide range of natural variability in a spontaneous speech corpus. We objectively evaluate control accuracy and perform a subjective listening test to compare to a system without prosody control. To exemplify the power of combining mid-level prosody control and ecologically valid data for reproducing intricate spontaneous speech phenomena, we evaluate the system's capability of synthesizing two types of creaky phonation. Audio samples are available at