Provable Inductive Matrix Completion

by   Prateek Jain, et al.

Consider a movie recommendation system where apart from the ratings information, side information such as user's age or movie's genre is also available. Unlike standard matrix completion, in this setting one should be able to predict inductively on new users/movies. In this paper, we study the problem of inductive matrix completion in the exact recovery setting. That is, we assume that the ratings matrix is generated by applying feature vectors to a low-rank matrix and the goal is to recover back the underlying matrix. Furthermore, we generalize the problem to that of low-rank matrix estimation using rank-1 measurements. We study this generic problem and provide conditions that the set of measurements should satisfy so that the alternating minimization method (which otherwise is a non-convex method with no convergence guarantees) is able to recover back the exact underlying low-rank matrix. In addition to inductive matrix completion, we show that two other low-rank estimation problems can be studied in our framework: a) general low-rank matrix sensing using rank-1 measurements, and b) multi-label regression with missing labels. For both the problems, we provide novel and interesting bounds on the number of measurements required by alternating minimization to provably converges to the exact low-rank matrix. In particular, our analysis for the general low rank matrix sensing problem significantly improves the required storage and computational cost than that required by the RIP-based matrix sensing methods RechtFP2007. Finally, we provide empirical validation of our approach and demonstrate that alternating minimization is able to recover the true matrix for the above mentioned problems using a small number of measurements.


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