Quantized Precoding for Multi-Antenna Downlink Channels with MAGIQ

by   Andrei Nedelcu, et al.

A multi-antenna, greedy, iterative, and quantized (MAGIQ) precoding algorithm is proposed for downlink channels. MAGIQ allows a straightforward integration with orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). MAGIQ is compared to three existing algorithms in terms of information rates and complexity: quantized linear precoding (QLP), SQUID, and an ADMM-based algorithm. The information rate is measured by using a lower bound for finite modulation sets, and the complexity is measured by the number of multiplications and comparisons. MAGIQ and ADMM achieve similar information rates with similar complexity for Rayleigh flat-fading channels and one-bit quantization per real dimension, and they outperform QLP and SQUID for higher order modulation.


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