Quantum Lower Bounds for Tripartite Versions of the Hidden Shift and the Set Equality Problems

by   Aleksandrs Belovs, et al.

In this paper, we study quantum query complexity of the following rather natural tripartite generalisations (in the spirit of the 3-sum problem) of the hidden shift and the set equality problems, which we call the 3-shift-sum and the 3-matching-sum problems. The 3-shift-sum problem is as follows: given a table of 3× n elements, is it possible to circularly shift its rows so that the sum of the elements in each column becomes zero? It is promised that, if this is not the case, then no 3 elements in the table sum up to zero. The 3-matching-sum problem is defined similarly, but it is allowed to arbitrarily permute elements within each row. For these problems, we prove lower bounds of Ω(n^1/3) and Ω(√(n)), respectively. The second lower bound is tight. The lower bounds are proven by a novel application of the dual learning graph framework and by using representation-theoretic tools.


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