Reactive Answer Set Programming

by   Krysia Broda, et al.

Logic Production System (LPS) is a logic-based framework for modelling reactive behaviour. Based on abductive logic programming, it combines reactive rules with logic programs, a database and a causal theory that specifies transitions between the states of the database. This paper proposes a systematic mapping of the Kernel of this framework (called KELPS) into an answer set program (ASP). For this purpose a new variant of KELPS with finite models, called n-distance KELPS, is introduced. A formal definition of the mapping from this n-distance KELPS to ASP is given and proven sound and complete. The Answer Set Programming paradigm allows to capture additional behaviours to the basic reactivity of KELPS, in particular proactive, preemptive and prospective behaviours. These are all discussed and illustrated with examples. Then a hybrid framework is proposed that integrates KELPS and ASP, allowing to combine the strengths of both paradigms. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).


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