Reliability-Aware Deployment of DNNs on In-Memory Analog Computing Architectures

by   Md Hasibul Amin, et al.

Conventional in-memory computing (IMC) architectures consist of analog memristive crossbars to accelerate matrix-vector multiplication (MVM), and digital functional units to realize nonlinear vector (NLV) operations in deep neural networks (DNNs). These designs, however, require energy-hungry signal conversion units which can dissipate more than 95 system. In-Memory Analog Computing (IMAC) circuits, on the other hand, remove the need for signal converters by realizing both MVM and NLV operations in the analog domain leading to significant energy savings. However, they are more susceptible to reliability challenges such as interconnect parasitic and noise. Here, we introduce a practical approach to deploy large matrices in DNNs onto multiple smaller IMAC subarrays to alleviate the impacts of noise and parasitics while keeping the computation in the analog domain.


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