REMS: Middleware for Robotics Education and Development

by   Yusuke Tanaka, et al.

This paper introduces REMS, a robotics middleware and control framework that is designed to introduce the Zen of Python to robotics and to improve robotics education and development flow. Although existing middleware can serve hardware abstraction and modularity, setting up environments and learning middleware-specific syntax and procedures are less viable in education. They can curb opportunities to understand robotics concepts, theories, and algorithms. Robotics is a field of integration; students and developers from various backgrounds will be involved in programming. Establishing Pythonic and object-oriented robotic framework in a natural way can enhance modular and abstracted programming for better readability, reusability, and simplicity, but also supports useful and practical skills generally in coding. REMS is to be a valuable robot educational medium not just as a tool and to be a platform from one robot to multi-agent across hardware, simulation, and analytical model implementations.


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