Revisiting Batch Normalization
Batch normalization (BN) is comprised of a normalization component followed by an affine transformation and has become essential for training deep neural networks. Standard initialization of each BN in a network sets the affine transformation scale and shift to 1 and 0, respectively. However, after training we have observed that these parameters do not alter much from their initialization. Furthermore, we have noticed that the normalization process can still yield overly large values, which is undesirable for training. We revisit the BN formulation and present a new initialization method and update approach for BN to address the aforementioned issues. Experimental results using the proposed alterations to BN show statistically significant performance gains in a variety of scenarios. The approach can be used with existing implementations at no additional computational cost. We also present a new online BN-based input data normalization technique to alleviate the need for other offline or fixed methods. Source code is available at