SA-Text: Simple but Accurate Detector for Text of Arbitrary Shapes

by   Qitong Wang, et al.

We introduce a new framework for text detection named SA-Text meaning "Simple but Accurate," which utilizes heatmaps to detect text regions in natural scene images effectively. SA-Text detects text that occurs in various fonts, shapes, and orientations in natural scene images with complicated backgrounds. Experiments on three challenging and public scene-text-detection datasets, Total-Text, SCUT-CTW1500, and MSRA-TD500 show the effectiveness and generalization ability of SA-Text in detecting not only multi-lingual oriented straight but also curved text in scripts of multiple languages. To further show the practicality of SA-Text, we combine it with a powerful state-of-the-art text recognition model and thus propose a pipeline-based text spotting system called SAA ("text spotting" is used as the technical term for "detection and recognition of text"). Our experimental results of SAA on the Total-Text dataset show that SAA outperforms four state-of-the-art text spotting frameworks by at least 9 percent points in the F-measure, which means that SA-Text can be used as a complete text detection and recognition system in real applications.


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