Scrooge: A Fast and Memory-Frugal Genomic Sequence Aligner for CPUs, GPUs, and ASICs
Motivation: Pairwise sequence alignment is a very time-consuming step in common bioinformatics pipelines. Speeding up this step requires heuristics, efficient implementations and/or hardware acceleration. A promising candidate for all of the above is the recently proposed GenASM algorithm. We identify and address three inefficiencies in the GenASM algorithm: it has a high amount of data movement, a large memory footprint, and does some unnecessary work. Results: We propose Scrooge, a fast and memory-frugal genomic sequence aligner. Scrooge includes three novel algorithmic improvements which reduce the data movement, memory footprint, and the number of operations in the GenASM algorithm. We provide efficient open-source implementations of the Scrooge algorithm for CPUs and GPUs, which demonstrate the significant benefits of our algorithmic improvements. For long reads the CPU version of Scrooge achieves a 15x, 1.7x, and 1.9x speedup over KSW2, Edlib, and a CPU implementation of GenASM, respectively. The GPU version of Scrooge achieves a 4.2x 63x, 7.4x, 11x and 5.9x speedup over the CPU version of Scrooge, KSW2, Edlib, Darwin-GPU, and a GPU implementation of GenASM, respectively. We estimate an ASIC implementation of Scrooge to use 3.6x less chip area and 2.1x less power than a GenASM ASIC while maintaining the same throughput. Further, we systematically analyze the throughput and accuracy behavior of GenASM and Scrooge under a variety of configurations. As the optimal configuration of Scrooge depends on the computing platform, we make several observations that can help guide future implementations of Scrooge. Availability and implementation: