SE#PCFG: Semantically Enhanced PCFG for Password Analysis and Cracking

by   Yangde Wang, et al.

Much research has been done on user-generated textual passwords. Surprisingly, semantic information in such passwords remain underinvestigated, with passwords created by English- and/or Chinese-speaking users being more studied with limited semantics. This paper fills this gap by proposing a general framework based on semantically enhanced PCFG (probabilistic context-free grammars) named SE#PCFG. It allowed us to consider 43 types of semantic information, the richest set considered so far, for semantic password analysis. Applying SE#PCFG to 17 large leaked password databases of user speaking four languages (English, Chinese, German and French), we demonstrate its usefulness and report a wide range of new insights about password semantics at different levels such as cross-website password correlations. Furthermore, based on SE#PCFG and a new systematic smoothing method, we proposed the Semantically Enhanced Password Cracking Architecture (SEPCA). To compare the performance of SEPCA against three state-of-the-art (SOTA) benchmarks in terms of the password coverage rate: two other PCFG variants and FLA. Our experimental results showed that SEPCA outperformed all the three benchmarks consistently and significantly across 52 test cases, by up to 21.53 and 7.86 level of unique passwords, SEPCA also beats the three benchmarks by up to 33.32 SEPCA as a new password cracking framework.


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