Security Theater: On the Vulnerability of Classifiers to Exploratory Attacks

by   Tegjyot Singh Sethi, et al.

The increasing scale and sophistication of cyberattacks has led to the adoption of machine learning based classification techniques, at the core of cybersecurity systems. These techniques promise scale and accuracy, which traditional rule or signature based methods cannot. However, classifiers operating in adversarial domains are vulnerable to evasion attacks by an adversary, who is capable of learning the behavior of the system by employing intelligently crafted probes. Classification accuracy in such domains provides a false sense of security, as detection can easily be evaded by carefully perturbing the input samples. In this paper, a generic data driven framework is presented, to analyze the vulnerability of classification systems to black box probing based attacks. The framework uses an exploration exploitation based strategy, to understand an adversary's point of view of the attack defense cycle. The adversary assumes a black box model of the defender's classifier and can launch indiscriminate attacks on it, without information of the defender's model type, training data or the domain of application. Experimental evaluation on 10 real world datasets demonstrates that even models having high perceived accuracy (>90 evasion rate (>95 model and empirical evaluation, serve.


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