Speculative Parallel Evaluation Of Classification Trees On GPGPU Compute Engines

by   Jason Spencer, et al.

We examine the problem of optimizing classification tree evaluation for on-line and real-time applications by using GPUs. Looking at trees with continuous attributes often used in image segmentation, we first put the existing algorithms for serial and data-parallel evaluation on solid footings. We then introduce a speculative parallel algorithm designed for single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) architectures commonly found in GPUs. A theoretical analysis shows how the run times of data and speculative decompositions compare assuming independent processors. To compare the algorithms in the SIMD environment, we implement both on a CUDA 2.0 architecture machine and compare timings to a serial CPU implementation. Various optimizations and their effects are discussed, and results are given for all algorithms. Our specific tests show a speculative algorithm improves run time by 25


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