SQL2Circuits: Estimating Metrics for SQL Queries with A Quantum Natural Language Processing Method

by   Valter Uotila, et al.

Quantum computing has developed significantly in recent years. Developing algorithms to estimate various metrics for SQL queries has been an important research question in database research since the estimations affect query optimization and database performance. This work represents a quantum natural language processing (QNLP) -inspired approach for constructing a quantum machine learning model which can classify SQL queries with respect to their execution times and cardinalities. From the quantum machine learning perspective, we compare our model and results to the previous research in QNLP and conclude that our model reaches similar accuracy as the QNLP model in the classification tasks. This indicates that the QNLP model is a promising method even when applied to problems that are not in QNLP. We study the developed quantum machine learning model by calculating its expressibility and entangling capability histograms. The results show that the model has favorable properties to be expressible but also not too complex to be executed on quantum hardware.


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