Stronger L2/L2 Compressed Sensing; Without Iterating
We consider the extensively studied problem of ℓ_2/ℓ_2 compressed sensing. The main contribution of our work is an improvement over [Gilbert, Li, Porat and Strauss, STOC 2010] with faster decoding time and significantly smaller column sparsity, answering two open questions of the aforementioned work. Previous work on sublinear-time compressed sensing employed an iterative procedure, recovering the heavy coordinates in phases. We completely depart from that framework, and give the first sublinear-time ℓ_2/ℓ_2 scheme which achieves the optimal number of measurements without iterating; this new approach is the key step to our progress. Towards that, we satisfy the ℓ_2/ℓ_2 guarantee by exploiting the heaviness of coordinates in a way that was not exploited in previous work. Via our techniques we obtain improved results for various sparse recovery tasks, and indicate possible further applications to problems in the field, to which the aforementioned iterative procedure creates significant obstructions.