TabEAno: Table to Knowledge Graph Entity Annotation

by   Phuc Nguyen, et al.

In the Open Data era, a large number of table resources have been made available on the Web and data portals. However, it is difficult to directly utilize such data due to the ambiguity of entities, name variations, heterogeneous schema, missing, or incomplete metadata. To address these issues, we propose a novel approach, namely TabEAno, to semantically annotate table rows toward knowledge graph entities. Specifically, we introduce a "two-cells" lookup strategy bases on the assumption that there is an existing logical relation occurring in the knowledge graph between the two closed cells in the same row of the table. Despite the simplicity of the approach, TabEAno outperforms the state of the art approaches in the two standard datasets e.g, T2D, Limaye with, and in the large-scale Wikipedia tables dataset.


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