TAMPC: A Controller for Escaping Traps in Novel Environments

by   Sheng Zhong, et al.

We propose an approach to online model adaptation and control in the challenging case of hybrid and discontinuous dynamics where actions may lead to difficult-to-escape "trap" states. We first learn dynamics for a given system from training data which does not contain unexpected traps (since we do not know what traps will be encountered online). These "nominal" dynamics allow us to perform tasks under ideal conditions, but when unexpected traps arise in execution, we must find a way to adapt our dynamics and control strategy and continue attempting the task. Our approach, Trap-Aware Model Predictive Control (TAMPC), is a two-level hierarchical control algorithm that reasons about traps and non-nominal dynamics to decide between goal-seeking and recovery policies. An important requirement of our method is the ability to recognize nominal dynamics even when we encounter data that is out-of-distribution w.r.t the training data. We achieve this by learning a representation for dynamics that exploits invariance in the nominal environment, thus allowing better generalization. We evaluate our method on simulated planar pushing and peg-in-hole as well as real robot peg-in-hole problems against adaptive control and reinforcement learning baselines, where traps arise due to unexpected obstacles that we only observe through contact. Our results show that our method significantly outperforms the baselines in all tested scenarios.


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