The dynamics of online polarization

by   Carlo Michele Valensise, et al.

Several studies pointed out that users seek the information they like the most, filter out dissenting information, and join groups of like-minded users around shared narratives. Feed algorithms may burst such a configuration toward polarization, thus influencing how information (and misinformation) spreads online. However, despite the extensive evidence and data about polarized opinion spaces and echo chambers, the interplay between human and algorithmic factors in shaping these phenomena remains unclear. In this work, we propose an opinion dynamic model mimicking human attitudes and algorithmic features. We quantitatively assess the adherence of the model's prediction to empirical data and compare the model performances with other state-of-the-art models. We finally provide a synthetic description of social media platforms regarding the model's parameters space that may be used to fine-tune feed algorithms to eventually smooth extreme polarization.


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