The entropy of lies: playing twenty questions with a liar

by   Yuval Dagan, et al.

`Twenty questions' is a guessing game played by two players: Bob thinks of an integer between 1 and n, and Alice's goal is to recover it using a minimal number of Yes/No questions. Shannon's entropy has a natural interpretation in this context. It characterizes the average number of questions used by an optimal strategy in the distributional variant of the game: let μ be a distribution over [n], then the average number of questions used by an optimal strategy that recovers x∼μ is between H(μ) and H(μ)+1. We consider an extension of this game where at most k questions can be answered falsely. We extend the classical result by showing that an optimal strategy uses roughly H(μ) + k H_2(μ) questions, where H_2(μ) = ∑_x μ(x)1/μ(x). This also generalizes a result by Rivest et al. for the uniform distribution. Moreover, we design near optimal strategies that only use comparison queries of the form `x ≤ c?' for c∈[n]. The usage of comparison queries lends itself naturally to the context of sorting, where we derive sorting algorithms in the presence of adversarial noise.


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