The Power of Duality: Response Time Analysis meets Integer Programming

by   Max A. Deppert, et al.

We study a mutually enriching connection between response time analysis in real-time systems and the mixing set problem. Thereby generalizing over known results we present a new approach to the computation of response times in fixed-priority uniprocessor real-time scheduling. We even allow that the tasks are delayed by some period-constrained release jitter. By studying a dual problem formulation of the decision problem as an integer linear program we show that worst-case response times can be computed by algorithmically exploiting a conditional reduction to an instance of the mixing set problem. In the important case of harmonic periods our new technique admits a near-quadratic algorithm to the exact computation of worst-case response times. We show that generally, a smaller utilization leads to more efficient algorithms even in fixed-priority scheduling. Our technique can be reversed to solve the mixing set problem by computing worst-case response times to associated real-time scheduling task systems. Finally, we also apply our optimization technique to solve 4-block integer programs with simple objective functions.


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