Timing Model Extraction for Sequential Circuits Considering Process Variations

by   Bing Li, et al.

As semiconductor devices continue to scale down, process vari- ations become more relevant for circuit design. Facing such variations, statistical static timing analysis is introduced to model variations more accurately so that the pessimism in tra- ditional worst case timing analysis is reduced. Because all de- lays are modeled using correlated random variables, most statis- tical timing methods are much slower than corner based timing analysis. To speed up statistical timing analysis, we propose a method to extract timing models for flip-flop and latch based sequential circuits respectively. When such a circuit is used as a module in a hierarchical design, the timing model instead of the original circuit is used for timing analysis. The extracted timing models are much smaller than the original circuits. Ex- periments show that using extracted timing models accelerates timing verification by orders of magnitude compared to previ- ous approaches using flat netlists directly. Accuracy is main- tained, however, with the mean and standard deviation of the clock period both showing usually less than 1 number of benchmark circuits.


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