Towards Operationalising Responsible AI: An Empirical Study

by   Conrad Sanderson, et al.

While artificial intelligence (AI) has great potential to transform many industries, there are concerns about its ability to make decisions in a responsible way. Many AI ethics guidelines and principles have been recently proposed by governments and various organisations, covering areas such as privacy, accountability, safety, reliability, transparency, explainability, contestability, and fairness. However, such principles are typically high-level and do not provide tangible guidance on how to design and develop responsible AI systems. To address this shortcoming, we present an empirical study involving interviews with 21 scientists and engineers, designed to gain insight into practitioners' perceptions of AI ethics principles, their possible implementation, and the trade-offs between the principles. The salient findings cover four aspects of AI system development: (i) overall development process, (ii) requirements engineering, (iii) design and implementation, (iv) deployment and operation.


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