Towards Robust Toxic Content Classification

by   Keita Kurita, et al.

Toxic content detection aims to identify content that can offend or harm its recipients. Automated classifiers of toxic content need to be robust against adversaries who deliberately try to bypass filters. We propose a method of generating realistic model-agnostic attacks using a lexicon of toxic tokens, which attempts to mislead toxicity classifiers by diluting the toxicity signal either by obfuscating toxic tokens through character-level perturbations, or by injecting non-toxic distractor tokens. We show that these realistic attacks reduce the detection recall of state-of-the-art neural toxicity detectors, including those using ELMo and BERT, by more than 50 two approaches for defending against such attacks. First, we examine the effect of training on synthetically noised data. Second, we propose the Contextual Denoising Autoencoder (CDAE): a method for learning robust representations that uses character-level and contextual information to denoise perturbed tokens. We show that the two approaches are complementary, improving robustness to both character-level perturbations and distractors, recovering a considerable portion of the lost accuracy. Finally, we analyze the robustness characteristics of the most competitive methods and outline practical considerations for improving toxicity detectors.


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