Towards Single-phase Single-stage Detection of Pulmonary Nodules in Chest CT Imaging

by   Zhongliu Xie, et al.

Detection of pulmonary nodules in chest CT imaging plays a crucial role in early diagnosis of lung cancer. Manual examination is highly time-consuming and error prone, calling for computer-aided detection, both to improve efficiency and reduce misdiagnosis. Over the years, a range of systems have been proposed, mostly following a two-phase paradigm with: 1) candidate detection, 2) false positive reduction. Recently, deep learning has become a dominant force in algorithm development. As for candidate detection, prior art was mainly based on the two-stage Faster R-CNN framework, which starts with an initial sub-net to generate a set of class-agnostic region proposals, followed by a second sub-net to perform classification and bounding-box regression. In contrast, we abandon the conventional two-phase paradigm and two-stage framework altogether and propose to train a single network for end-to-end nodule detection instead, without transfer learning or further post-processing. Our feature learning model is a modification of the ResNet and feature pyramid network combined, powered by RReLU activation. The major challenge is the condition of extreme inter-class and intra-class sample imbalance, where the positives are overwhelmed by a large negative pool, which is mostly composed of easy and a handful of hard negatives. Direct training on all samples can seriously undermine training efficacy. We propose a patch-based sampling strategy over a set of regularly updating anchors, which narrows sampling scope to all positives and only hard negatives, effectively addressing this issue. As a result, our approach substantially outperforms prior art in terms of both accuracy and speed. Finally, the prevailing FROC evaluation over [1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8] false positives per scan, is far from ideal in real clinical environments. We suggest FROC over [1, 2, 4] false positives as a better metric.


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