Towards Theme Detection in Personal Finance Questions

by   John Xi Qiu, et al.

Banking call centers receive millions of calls annually, with much of the information in these calls unavailable to analysts interested in tracking new and emerging call center trends. In this study we present an approach to call center theme detection that captures the occurrence of multiple themes in a question, using a publicly available corpus of StackExchange personal finance questions, labeled by users with topic tags, as a testbed. To capture the occurrence of multiple themes in a single question, the approach encodes and clusters at the sentence- rather than question-level. We also present a comparison of state-of-the-art sentence encoding models, including the SBERT family of sentence encoders. We frame our evaluation as a multiclass classification task and show that a simple combination of the original sentence text, Universal Sentence Encoder, and KMeans outperforms more sophisticated techniques that involve semantic parsing, SBERT-family models, and HDBSCAN. Our highest performing approach achieves a Micro-F1 of 0.46 for this task and we show that the resulting clusters, even when slightly noisy, contain sentences that are topically consistent with the label associated with the cluster.


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