Training Opportunities for Intelligent Transport Systems and Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems

by   Charis Chalkiadakis, et al.

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) are of high significance, mainly due to the benefits they have in terms of operation of the transport network. Despite ITS and C-ITS importance in the operation of the transport network, there is a major knowledge gap regarding their development, way of operation and significance worldwide and especially among the responsible for their deployment public authorities. In order for such fragmentations to be tackled, an online training platform concerning the operation and impacts of ITS and C-ITS has been designed in the framework of the European Union Horizon 2020 funded CAPITAL project. In order for the proper design of the CAPITAL Online Training Platform, two main approaches have been studied: capacity building and massive open online courses. The present study provides insight regarding the design and the context of the CAPITAL Online Training Platform.


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