Transferring Visual Attributes from Natural Language to Verified Image Generation

by   Rodrigo Valerio, et al.

Text to image generation methods (T2I) are widely popular in generating art and other creative artifacts. While visual hallucinations can be a positive factor in scenarios where creativity is appreciated, such artifacts are poorly suited for cases where the generated image needs to be grounded in complex natural language without explicit visual elements. In this paper, we propose to strengthen the consistency property of T2I methods in the presence of natural complex language, which often breaks the limits of T2I methods by including non-visual information, and textual elements that require knowledge for accurate generation. To address these phenomena, we propose a Natural Language to Verified Image generation approach (NL2VI) that converts a natural prompt into a visual prompt, which is more suitable for image generation. A T2I model then generates an image for the visual prompt, which is then verified with VQA algorithms. Experimentally, aligning natural prompts with image generation can improve the consistency of the generated images by up to 11 the art. Moreover, improvements can generalize to challenging domains like cooking and DIY tasks, where the correctness of the generated image is crucial to illustrate actions.


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